Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Under stars

            She is walking at night time thinking of the person who she has written the letter for. “All night it will say one name” the name of the person who she is thinking about the entire time she is walking. She feels the warm air on her; she loves that calm feeling that the weather is giving her. She wants that feeling back that she felt when she was with him. All night she will be on her mind no matter what she does. Everything will remind her of him. The analogy that she gave “ those games played after dark.” Drew my attention because love is like a game and she feels like she is playing a game. Games like she use to play as a child. Games that she no longer wants to play many years later. She is touched by what is around her like the wet grass, and while she is touching the grass, the “wet” grass which the image of it makes me feel like she loves that feeling, and loves that feeling of being with the person who touched her life. 

           I feel like this a a scene that I myself would be. Just the feeling the poem gave me was as if I was in her shoes. How I longed to say words to someone but was not able to, and everything was inside a letter for them to read. And I am walking feeling the breeze on my skin and looking at the bright stars in the night sky. 

1 comment:

  1. It's true that the sense of a lost or distant personal relationship adds emotional weight or motivation to much of the imagery, but the poem's imagery also opens beyond the merely--or solely--personal. consider the last stanza, and what she may be touching now--she is still playing the game, though not so much as a child, and the children's voices have become...? See my comments on Amanda's and Gina's blogs.
